Personal and home care assessments

Our experienced team is trained in conducting both personal and home care needs assessments. Our carers will review your individual care needs and preferences and work with you, and your loved ones, to create a bespoke personal care plan, which reflects your requirements and choices, so that you can continue a great quality of life.

Depending on your injury, illness, and/or personal situation, you may have a range of personal care needs. For example, you might be able to handle using the bathroom on your own, but need assistance showering or getting dressed each morning.

What is a care needs assessment?

The purpose of a care needs assessment (also referred to as a care, home care or personal care assessment) is to establish what you are able to do yourself (strengths) and what you might need some support with (weaknesses). Personal care assessments also take into account what help and support you already have in place, such as from family members, and what else you need in order to continue to live well and independently.

A home assessment is designed to assess any potential risks in the home, such as steep stairs or uneven walkways, and what home adaptations or equipment you need to live independently. This can help you prevent falls and other injuries.

A care needs assessment considers:

  • Your overall health and how your condition or disability affects you
  • What you can and can't do independently, and what you struggle to do and might need help with
  • Your current living situation and support network, including any existing care arrangements
  • What you want to achieve and how you would like to be supported

A home assessment considers:

  • Any potential safety risks in the home, from uneven floors to whether you can hear your smoke alarm
  • Your mobility and how your condition or disability affects you moving around and accomplishing every day living tasks, such as washing or cooking
  • What supports or equipment you already have in place and whether they are meeting your current needs

We can advise on home adjustments, adaptations or equipment that can make your life better, safer and easier.

Reliance Community Care works with occupational therapists and other medical professionals to assess any home adaptations that might be needed to help you continue to live safely and independently. For example, if your mobility needs have changed you might need a ramp to access your home, rather than steps, or you might need a shower or bath seat to help you maintain your personal hygiene.

Whatever the outcomes of your care needs or home assessment, we can advise you on next steps, including arranging care or applying for funding support to make adaptations to your home.