Palliative and end-of-life care at home

If you, or your loved one, are diagnosed with a life-threatening condition then our at-home palliative carers can help.

Palliative care at home can look vastly different from one person to another. We work with you, your family and your medical team to ensure an end-of-life care plan is created to your own personal needs and preferences, whilst being as adaptable and flexible as required. Our focus is always on caring for the person instead of the illness.

What is palliative care?

Palliative care (sometimes misspelled as pallative care) is a specific type of care support provided when a person is diagnosed with a terminal illness. Palliative care does not necessarily mean you are going to die soon. Some people are on their palliative care journey for years before their condition deteriorates.

End-of-life care at home, also known as hospice at home care, on the other hand, is the care provided in the final few weeks or days of a person’s life - when all possible treatment options have been explored and the person’s condition has begun to deteriorate more quickly.

Our palliative and end-of-life carers work to:

  • Improve your quality of life
  • Prevent and relieve any suffering, including treating pain with prescribed medications
  • Provide oral care
  • Offer a support system to help you live as actively as possible
  • Help with relaxation
  • Offer physical or emotional support
  • Provide support and a listening ear to your family, friends and loved ones
  • Help you plan for the future, such as understanding legalities and making financial arrangements

We believe it’s important to receive flexible palliative care and support in the familiarity and comfort of your own home. Whether you need support for just a few hours a week, or need live-in care 24-hours per day, we can help.

Our focus is always on relieving your pain and suffering, and helping you to make the most of the time you have left with those who are most important to you.